News Updates
Recently, I've gained two high profile
and Jean
Chatzky while continuing work full time at a medium sized
ecommerce site,
I am still working with this company and my clients. I am growing in the web technology field and gaining most valuable experience.
Haven't posted anything for awhile
since getting hired full-time as a Web Master for M.C. Management.
I've learned a great deal in SEO, Coldfusion, RSS, CSS, and
working with in a team environment that offers individual
projects as well.
I have been freelancing still and created this year while working full-time.
Computer Learning Center's site is up and running.
JSweblife has teamed up with MorelloMedia on upcoming projects to obtain new clients in the California area.
Associates, P.C. has became a new client of mine for freelance
work to help their company with upcoming projects for their
I've been quite busy with projects.
A new client, Ford
Tours Travel Agency hired me as a freelancer to redesign
the existing website to include a more appealing layout/interface
to help generate revenue. The new site will be added to my portfolio section as soon as it is completed.
Working on a new project with a
client in California, Wellness
Center. Redesigning the original website and adding an
updated looking layout using advanced JavaScript and Flash.
I am creating a website for Women's Computer Learning Center in California. The site utilizes a user-friendly layout for visitors with colors and light graphics. The site was developed using HTML, JavaScript, and a paypal shopping cart.
A solar power installation company,
NJ, required my skills as a Content Editor for their website.
I have had the opportunity to do print work, a Power Point
Presentation, HTML edits, and adding features using JavaScript
to the current website.
Created a website for a video production
artist. The site, RavenPreys
Productions, includes a smooth interface and optimized
video streaming. The graphical layout was a mix of Flash and
HTML while using JavaScript and DHTML to further enhance the
site's features.
Working as a Webmaster for a California
company, Green
Monster Music. Update their existing site, create banners,
and add new features using Flash and/or PHP while keeping
the look and feel of the site consistent.
Building a full website for a record
company called Priesthood
Records. The site contains advanced DHTML, JavaScript,
and a graphical interface. The site has been an ongoing project
and will also be the main portal for other artists.