Site News
Version 3 of my portfolio is finally complete. The site is based completely in xhtml and css2.0. I plan to add coldfusion functionality to the site once I change to a supportive hosting company.
I am currently developing my skills as a Coldfusion Developer while working in the position of a Intranet Programmer at Edmund Optics.
I am still working with this company and my clients. I am growing in the web technology field and gaining most valuable experience.
Haven't posted anything for awhile since getting hired full-time as a Web Master for M.C. Management. I've learned a great deal in SEO, Coldfusion, RSS, CSS, and working with in a team environment that offers individual projects as well.
I have been freelancing still and created this year while working full-time.
Women's Computer Learning Center's site is up and running.
Beautyman Associates, P.C. has became a new client of mine for freelance work to help their company with upcoming projects for their clients.
I am creating a website for Women's Computer Learning Center in California. The site utilizes a user-friendly layout for visitors with colors and light graphics. The site was developed using HTML, JavaScript, and a paypal shopping cart.
A solar power installation company, SolarWorks NJ, required my skills as a Content Editor for their website. I have had the opportunity to do print work, a Power Point Presentation, HTML edits, and adding features using JavaScript to the current website.
Working as a Webmaster for a California company, Green Monster Music. Update their existing site, create banners, and add new features using Flash and/or PHP while keeping the look and feel of the site consistent.
designing in xhtml and css3.0Resume
Objective: back to top
To utilize my designing and programming skills in the multimedia industry.
Computer Skills: back to top
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Fireworks
- Corel Painter
- Adobe Flash
- JavaScript
- ColdFusion MX
- MS Access
- SharePoint
- Open source technologies (ExtJS 2.0, yui, etc.)
- Premiere
- After Effects
- Final Cut Pro
- Windows Media Encoder
- All Adobe Products
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Search Engine Optimization
- CMS (WordPress, etc.)
- PC and MAC Platform
- Computer Repairs/Maintenance
- Networking (IIS, Active Directory)
Experience: back to top
Edmund Optics
October 2006 - Present
Intranet Developer
Barrington, NJ
- Create inter-relations between departments in company.
- Produced applications using ColdFusion for a more productive stance in time management.
- Provide Help Desk support.
SolarWorks NJ
September 2004 - Present
Freelance Content Editor
Turnersville, NJ
- Editing content on existing website using html and ftp software.
- Developed graphic design work for website and print materials to be distributed to company's clients.
Beautyman Associates, P.C.
January 2005 - January 2007
Freelance Web Designer
Flourtown, PA
- Reconstruction of company's client's sites to meet with new web standards.
- Gained top ranks in search engines and doubled traffic to client's websites.
M.C. Management
February 2005 - October 2006
Web Master
Whippany, NJ
- Daily maintenance of multiple websites, creating new features & user testing.
- Produced & sent out weekly emails to a large customer base.
- Reached & keep top placement on major search engines with company’s desired keywords
- Updated existing websites using new technology: RSS, XML, & CSS2.0
Green Monster Music
August 2004 - Febuary 2005
Sherman Oaks, California
- Overall site maintenance including regular updates, modifying images, and adding content using html and php via FTP.
- Optimizing video clips for faster streaming on the site, gaining higher rank on search engines, and editing Flash files.
Green Rose Media
April 2004 - June 2004
Web Designer
Newark, New Jersey
- Developed images and web interfaces for clients.
- Contributed to the redesign look and feel of client’s website including search engine optimization.
Yikes Internet Specialists
January 2003 - March 2003
Intern Content Editor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Constructed, edited, and updated web sites for company’s clients.
- Collaborated and advised in project meetings with web designers and programmers in order to implement necessary changes for ongoing productions.
Freelance: back to top
Amy Goldwasser — 2006
- Web Designer - XHTML, CSS2.0, Photoshop, JavaScript
Jill Auckenthaler — 2006
- Web Designer - XHTML, CSS2.0, Photoshop, JavaScript, SEO
Jean Chatzky — 2006
- Web Designer - XHTML, CSS2.0, Photoshop, JavaScript
Smith Mag — 2006
- Web Production - HTML, CSS, Photoshop, PHP, WordPress
Robert Crump (Artist) — 2005
- Web Designer - HTML, CSS, Photoshop, JavaScript
Ford Tours Travel Agency — 2004
- Web Designer - HTML, CSS, Photoshop
Wellness Center — 2004
- Web Designer - HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, Photoshop, PHP
Women's Computer Learning Center — 2004
- Web Designer - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop, PHP
LA Elite Coaching — 2004
- Web Designer - HTML, CSS, Photoshop
Priesthood Records — 2004
- Web Designer - HTML, DHTML, CSS, Photoshop, PHP
RavenPreys Productions — 2004
- Web Designer - HTML, JavaScript, Flash, CSS, Photoshop, Windows Media Encoder, PHP
Education: back to top
Bachelor of Science in Multimedia & Web Design
March 2004
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Graduated with a GPA of 3.2
Awards: back to top
The National Summit of Young Technology Leader
Austin, Texas
- Certificate from NexTech
Other: back to top
- Volunteered for Non Profit organizations
- Tutored Flash, Photoshop, Dreamweaver
- Willing to relocate